“2B1,ASK1,”Is a popular Masonic quote spoken and seen on bumper stickers. It refers to a person asking another who they believe is a Freemason on how to join, or more about the Fraternity.

Sometimes it is hard for an individual to distinguish a person in their circle of friends as a Freemason. Freemasonry may not come up in conversation, or maybe a person does not recognize a Masonic insignia.

Whatever the case may be, to become a Freemason of Lafayette Lodge No. 14 A.F.& A.M. of Delaware, or any lodge, the person wishing to join must first fill out an application for membership, or what Masons call a “petition”. The Petition is no different than that of any other application to an organization — School, Employment, Sports, etc.

If a person is interested in becoming a Freemason, the person can fill out the below request form. Then a member will contact applicant to answer some questions. Following, we ask that you meet with some of the members of our lodge, and receive a Petition. Upon the completion of the Petition it will be given to the Secretary of our Lodge. At which point, the Secretary will read at our next Stated Meeting.

Then a Committee will be assigned to meet with you at a convenient time with you and possibly a significant other to answer any remaining concerns.

Upon the review of the Committee, your petition will be voted on. If the vote is favorable, you will be schedule to receive your first degree.