This web site is dedicated to serve the brothers, and those interested in Lafayette Lodge No. 14 A.F.&.A.M. of Delaware.
Lafayette Lodge No. 14 was chartered in 1825 and recently combined with Brandywine Lodge No. 33. Nearly two hundred years have been well spent serving our community, our fellow man, and making good men better.
Our Stated Communications are held on the second Tuesday of every calendar month at 7:30PM. With the exception of the of July & August.
Traveling brothers are always welcome. If possible, please let us know in advance so we may better accommodate you. Contact information can be found under Contact, and for directions to our lodge please click here.
For up to date lodge events in the state and weather related closings please check the Grand Lodge Calendar.
Lafayette Lodge No. 14 is chartered under the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Delaware.